
 Journey To Thrive

We all have worries, but when those worries take over your thoughts or prevent you from living your life, I can help you gain some clarity. Talking with a therapist provides you with a different perspective and with tools to help cope with anxiety. I can also help you identify triggers and uncover the underlying reasons for your anxiety.

Oftentimes anxiety is caused by a combination of past experiences and present day stressors and can take hold with a wide range of severity. Once we’ve identified triggers and causes of anxiety, we can create a pathway forward to freedom and to living life on your own terms.

Therapy can help with symptoms of anxiety like:

  • Overthinking
  • Changes in eating
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sense of doom
  • Difficulty concentrating

When your worries overtake your daily thoughts and prevent you from completing day-to-day responsibilities, I can provide you a way to find balance. If you’re avoiding certain places or people, I can help you address the root of the problem.

If there’s something keeping you from living your best life or even just accomplishing basic responsibilities, I can help you overcome your barriers. I guide you toward reclaiming the life you want and taking part in the life you deserve.

Signs you should seek therapy for anxiety:

  • Declining work or academic performance
  • Inability to cope with thoughts and emotions
  • Paralyzed by worry
  • Physical health decline
  • Inability to keep or create social relationships

Talking with a therapist reminds you that there is a world beyond your anxiety. You have the ability to explore that vast and beautiful world and I have the tools you need to get there. Together, we figure out what it is that is holding you back from accomplishing your dreams and we develop a plan for how to reach your goals in the future.

Reach out to start your healing journey today