Stress Management

 Journey To Thrive

When your To Do List becomes overwhelming and you feel trapped by stress, I can help you regain balance, relaxation and enjoyment in your life. Talking with a therapist about stress management allows you to take a step back from your schedule and analyze how you can restructure your world.

There are many things that could be contributing to your stress level including relationship issues, work and family responsibilities, illnesses and life transitions. Even if there is something wonderful happening in your life, attached stress could have negative impacts if left to fester. Talking with a therapist allows you to take a full look at your life and ensure you are living in a way that is balanced and promotes wellness.

How therapy can help with stress management:

  • Clearly identify your stressors
  • Develop tools for lowering stress
  • Time management skills
  • Learning delegation skills
  • Learning self-care techniques

Maybe you’re going through a career change or starting school, perhaps you are transitioning into parenthood or getting out of a long-term relationship. Maybe you’re mourning the death of a loved one. No matter the reasons why you have become overstimulated, overstretched and over-stressed, talking with a therapist allows you to identify what is stressing you out and learn how to lower the stress response.

I can help you unravel the reasons why you are feeling overstressed and figure out ways to rebalance your life.

Signs you may need help with stress management:

  • Feeling constantly overwhelmed
  • Increased anxiety or depression
  • Social anxiety or withdrawal
  • Inability to cope
  • Easily triggered
  • Constantly overtired

You don’t have to be going through something big in life to feel overstressed. Talking with a therapist about stress management can help if your lifestyle is high-stress – and whose life isn’t stressful these days. Perhaps you’re a caretaker of an ill family member, maybe you have a high-stress job or a child who demands constant attention. No matter your circumstances, talking with a therapist like me about stress management can help lighten the load and provide you with some long-term stress relief.

Reach out to start your healing journey today